Stand Against Human Trafficking!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

3Strands Global Foundation
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Hope is an act of defiance. Stand in hope with me by standing with 3Strands Global Foundation!


raised by 6 people

$10,000 goal

3Strands Global Foundation isn't just my place of employment; it is my own values lived out loud. I believe in the power of post-traumatic healing, I believe that hope is an act of defiance, and I believe that we must stand up for one another as we are able. 

Our Employ + Empower program gives human trafficking survivors the support and resources they need to live the life of their dreams, and on their terms. 

Our advocacy team doesn't just dream of a world free from human trafficking - they support bipartisan legislation that lead us closer to that reality. 

Our Prevention Education program teaches both children and adults how to recognize their own self worth and boundaries, so they are better able to recognize when either are being encroached.

If you are able to stand up for our clients and students, please support our Big Day of Giving campaign by making a gift to this page before May 2. 

Giving Activity


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